6.Sınıf Democracy Testimiz
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Toplam Soru Sayısı: %%TOTAL%%
Sizin Doğru Sayınız: %%SCORE%%
Başarı Yüzdeniz: %%PERCENTAGE%%
Öğretmen Görüşü: %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |

In a cabinet | |
In a classroom | |
In a ballot box. | |
In an assembly. |
Soru 2 |

polling place | |
sport center | |
campaign | |
playground |
Soru 3 |

a voter | |
a candidate | |
a newcomer | |
an anchorman |
Soru 4 |

They should tell lies to the voters | |
They should be boring to their voters | |
They should be respectful to each other | |
They should be rude to other candidates. |
Soru 5 |
Robin : I want to be a class president. But I don’t know what should I do?
Wilma : Well. At first, make sure you really want it and start a campaign. Do you really want it?
Robin : Yes, - - - - . I’m not sure about it.
you are right | |
you are wrong | |
I don’t agree | |
it isn’t fair |
Soru 6 |
Bill : Hey, Todd. Did you vote at the last election?Todd : No, I didn’t. I’m under eighteen. You should be - - - - .Bill : Yes, that’s right.
under eighteen | |
a candidate to vote | |
rude to your candidates | |
eighteen or more to vote |
Soru 7 |
Jim : I always support you at the elections. But your speech is very boring. You often tell about your plans and sometimes tell lies.
Michael: OK. Give me some advice. What should I do?
Jim : You should - - - - .
be fair to people | |
be rude to your voters | |
make a boring speech | |
tell some lies to your voters |
Soru 8 |
Voters should - - - - in an election.
make an interesting speech | |
be fair to all candidates | |
discourage candidates | |
be boring and rude |
Soru 9 |
Which one is true?
Voters shouldn’t be fair to all candidates | |
Candidates should be boring and rude. | |
Candidates shouldn’t ask for suggestion. | |
Voters shouldn’t discourage their candidates. |
Soru 10 |
The election was - - - -
last week | |
yesterday | |
a month ago | |
two days ago |
Soru 11 |
Where did people go to vote for their candidates?
Their countries. | |
The assembly | |
Jerry Patricio’s house. | |
Public buildings. |
Soru 12 |
Why people are happy with the result?
Because new president hates wild animals | |
Because new president always tells lies. | |
Because new president is reliable. | |
Because new president isn’t fair. |
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