6.Sınıf Detectives at Work Testimiz
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Toplam Soru Sayısı: %%TOTAL%%
Sizin Doğru Sayınız: %%SCORE%%
Başarı Yüzdeniz: %%PERCENTAGE%%
Öğretmen Görüşü: %%RATING%%
Soru 1 |

in the drawer | |
on the armchair | |
on the bookshelf | |
in an animal shelter |
Soru 2 |

He is taking fingerprints | |
He is taking photographs. | |
He is questioning the witnesses | |
He is investigating the crime scene. |
Soru 3 |

There is a robber | |
There are two robbers | |
There are three robbers | |
There aren’t any robbers. |
Soru 4 |

Ten thousand pounds | |
A hundred pounds | |
A million pounds. | |
Ten pounds. |
Soru 5 |
Detective : What did the thief look like? Mrs.
Hoods : - - - -.
He ran away quickly from the window | |
He was short and fat with black hair | |
He took some cash and a necklace | |
He left many fingerprints behind |
Soru 6 |
Claire : Help me, please. I heard a noise from the front door. I am too scared.
Officer : Keep calm please. - - - -?
Claire : No, I am not. I am with my cousin.
Where are you at the moment | |
Are you very pleased with it | |
What are you doing now | |
Are you alone at home |
Soru 7 |
Mary : Last night, there was a burglary in our neighborhood. Burglars stole a valuable painting.
Liz : Really? Did the police catch them?
Mary : No, they didn’t. - - - -.
They are still questioning the witnesses | |
They put them into the jail two days ago | |
The police caught them yesterday | |
The burglars were in the police station |
Soru 8 |
8600 - Eight hundred and six thousand. | |
21000 -Twenty-one thousand. | |
74250 -Seventeen-four thousand and two hundred fifty. | |
855000 - Eighty hundred fifty-five thousand. |
Soru 9 |
Max : I lost my wallet this morning.
Lisa : Really? was there any money in it?
Max : Yes, there was three hundred and sixty five pounds.
How much money did Max lose?
£ 356 | |
£ 336 | |
£ 365 | |
£ 366 |
Soru 10 |
Two days ago, a gang of criminals stole a precious painting by Picasso from the National Museum at night. The alarm bells sounded but they ran away with the painting by a van before the police arrived. Now, inspectors are looking for fingerprints and watching security camera records. The police say: They will catch the criminals very soon.
Which one is true?
The robbery happened yesterday | |
They stole a Picasso painting | |
The police caught them. | |
The painting was cheap. |
Soru 11 |
Two days ago, a gang of criminals stole a precious painting by Picasso from the National Museum at night. The alarm bells sounded but they ran away with the painting by a van before the police arrived. Now, inspectors are looking for fingerprints and watching security camera records. The police say: They will catch the criminals very soon.
They run away by - - - - .
a helicopter | |
a taxi | |
a car | |
a van |
Soru 12 |
Two days ago, a gang of criminals stole a precious painting by Picasso from the National Museum at night. The alarm bells sounded but they ran away with the painting by a van before the police arrived. Now, inspectors are looking for fingerprints and watching security camera records. The police say: They will catch the criminals very soon.,
The inspectors are looking for - - - -
the alarm bells | |
the gang of criminals | |
the fingerprints of robbers | |
the address of National Museum |
Soru Seç |