6.Sınıf Detectives at Work Testimiz
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Toplam Soru Sayısı: %%TOTAL%%
Sizin Doğru Sayınız: %%SCORE%%
Başarı Yüzdeniz: %%PERCENTAGE%%
Öğretmen Görüşü: %%RATING%%
Soru 1 |

fingerprints | |
jewelleries | |
footprints | |
thieves |
Soru 2 |

Joe chases the criminals. | |
Mary questions the witnesses | |
Ben reports all events to her TV channel. | |
Mr. Jacobson investigates the crime scene |
Soru 3 |

a bank robbery | |
a rock concert | |
a TV program | |
a fun fair |
Soru 4 |

five tickets | |
four tickets | |
six tickets | |
seven tickets |
Soru 5 |

Thieves | |
Robbers | |
Burglars | |
The police |
Soru 6 |
Verilen sayının doğru yazılışını gösteren seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Thirty thousand and seven hundred forty seven. | |
Thirty seven thousand and four hundred seventy. | |
Three hundred seventy four thousand and seven. | |
Three and seven thousand four hundred seventy. |
Soru 7 |
Danny : Did you watch the news last night?
Harry : No, I didn’t. What happened?
Danny : - - - -.They stole one of Van Gogh’s painting.
The police found some fingerprints | |
I watched security camera records | |
Burglars broke into the art gallery | |
Brooks moved to another city |
Soru 8 |
Jill : Mom, I can’t find my purse. Where is it?
Mother : I saw it in your bedroom this morning. I think - - - -.
Jill : Yes, I remember. Thank you!
you should call the police | |
you must tidy your room | |
you put it on your table | |
you lost it yesterday |
Soru 9 |
Jessie : Calm down, Liz. What are you doing?
Liz : I am - - - - . I put it in my drawer yesterday, but I can’t find it now.
Jessie : Let’s look at the living room.
calling the police | |
taking fingerprints | |
watching the news | |
looking for my ring |
Soru 10 |
Gilda : There are burglars in front of my house. They are trying to open the front door, please help me. I am frightened.
Officer : It is Officer Cole. Calm down and take a deep breathe please. Answer my questions. How many burglars are there?
Gilda : Three. They are wearing black masks. Please, hurry up!
Officer : OK. What is your address?
Gilda : Saint Robert Street, 123-45, Rumford.
Officer : Hold on, please. My friends will be there in a few minutes.
The burglars are - - - - now.
driving away in a van | |
running away by a car | |
trying to open the door | |
moving to another house |
Soru 11 |
Gilda : There are burglars in front of my house. They are trying to open the front door, please help me. I am frightened.
Officer : It is Officer Cole. Calm down and take a deep breathe please. Answer my questions. How many burglars are there?
Gilda : Three. They are wearing black masks. Please, hurry up!
Officer : OK. What is your address?
Gilda : Saint Robert Street, 123-45, Rumford.
Officer : Hold on, please. My friends will be there in a few minutes.
How many burglars are there in front of the house?
Two burglars | |
Three burglars | |
Four burglars. | |
Five burglars. |
Soru 12 |
Gilda : There are burglars in front of my house. They are trying to open the front door, please help me. I am frightened.
Officer : It is Officer Cole. Calm down and take a deep breathe please. Answer my questions. How many burglars are there?
Gilda : Three. They are wearing black masks. Please, hurry up!
Officer : OK. What is your address?
Gilda : Saint Robert Street, 123-45, Rumford.
Officer : Hold on, please. My friends will be there in a few minutes.
Gilda felt - - - - when she saw the burglars.
frightened | |
excited | |
happy | |
sad |
Soru Seç |