7.Sınıf Environment Testimiz
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Soru 1 |

because they are necessary for oxygen | |
so we should use them carefully | |
and junk food is really healthy | |
to protect from sun light |
Soru 2 |

Don’t switch off electrical devices | |
Use public transport, walk or ride | |
Try to take a long bath every morning | |
Don’t let water run while brushing your teeth |
Soru 3 |
Jane : No pesticides means healthier soil, water and wildlife.
Mark : So, what should we do?
Jane : - - - - .
We shouldn’t use more pesticides | |
We mustn’t prefer organic food | |
We mustn’t grow vegetables | |
We shouldn’t plant trees |
Soru 4 |
Adam : - - - - ?
Brain : The ocean creatures die because water becomes more acidic with the increase in carbon dioxide.
Why do ocean creatures die | |
Where do ocean creatures migrate | |
Where does the ocean water become healthy | |
Why does carbon dioxide increase in the oceans |
Soru 5 |
Dave : Why are rain forests so important?
Jack : Because - - - - - . They are like lungs of the Earth.
we must plant trees | |
animals destroy forests | |
they are necessary for oxygen | |
people consume a lot of energy |
Soru 6 |
“People pollute the environment.”
Yukarıdaki cümleye anlamca en yakın ifade aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
We mustn’t keep nature clean. | |
We should protect the animals | |
We mustn’t recycle plastic or paper | |
We are responsible for polluting nature. |
Soru 7 |

We must pollute the environment. | |
We shouldn’t protect animals. | |
We mustn’t cut down trees. | |
We should waste energy. |
Soru 8 |

We must stop - - - - .
planting trees | |
reading labels | |
eating organic | |
wasting water |
Soru 9 |

destroy forests | |
read the labels | |
protect animals | |
save energy |
Soru 10 |
A greenhouse is made of glass and it traps the sun light inside and keeps the plants warm in winter. The earth is like a greenhouse. The surface warms up in the sunlight and it cools at night. But some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases. If the green house effect is strong, the Earth gets warmer and this is what is happening now. It is called global warming. Ice is melting in the poles because of the increase in the Earth’s temperature. We can see the climate change all over the world. Winters are colder and summers are hotter now. Droughts and floods are common but we must do something immediately.
The Earth is getting warmer because - - - - .
we must do something | |
it is called global warming | |
ice is melting in the poles | |
the greenhouse gases trap the heat |
Soru 11 |
A greenhouse is made of glass and it traps the sun light inside and keeps the plants warm in winter. The earth is like a greenhouse. The surface warms up in the sunlight and it cools at night. But some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases. If the green house effect is strong, the Earth gets warmer and this is what is happening now. It is called global warming. Ice is melting in the poles because of the increase in the Earth’s temperature. We can see the climate change all over the world. Winters are colder and summers are hotter now. Droughts and floods are common but we must do something immediately
What were winters like before climate change?
We played snowballs in winters | |
They weren’t colder than now. | |
There is global warming. | |
Winters are hotter now. |
Soru 12 |
A greenhouse is made of glass and it traps the sun light inside and keeps the plants warm in winter. The earth is like a greenhouse. The surface warms up in the sunlight and it cools at night. But some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases. If the green house effect is strong, the Earth gets warmer and this is what is happening now. It is called global warming. Ice is melting in the poles because of the increase in the Earth’s temperature. We can see the climate change all over the world. Winters are colder and summers are hotter now. Droughts and floods are common but we must do something immediately
Why is the ice melting in the poles?
Because winters are colder | |
Because floods are very common. | |
Because polar bears are in danger | |
Because the Earth is getting warmer. |
Soru Seç |