7.Sınıf Sports Testimiz
Testi Başarıyla Tamamladınız.
Toplam Soru Sayısı: %%TOTAL%%
Sizin Doğru Sayınız: %%SCORE%%
Başarı Yüzdeniz: %%PERCENTAGE%%
Öğretmen Görüşü: %%RATING%%
Soru 1 |
"1- 5. sorularda boş bırakılan yere gelen uygun kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz."
Joe : Do you like rugby?
Tom : - - - - .
It is really exciting.
I can’t stand it | |
I hate it | |
I am crazy about it | |
I really don’t like it |
Soru 2 |
Sue : - - - - ?
Martha : I usually go cycling at weekends.
How often do you go cycling | |
What do you need for cycling | |
Where did you go cycling | |
Why do you like cycling |
Soru 3 |
Ann : Spectators are the people watching a match.
Buse : - - - - ? I didn’t understand.
Ann : Spectators are the people watching a match.
What happened in the match last week | |
Do you like watching tennis matches | |
How many did people watched matches | |
Can you repeat it, please |
Soru 4 |
Mary : What do you think about boxing?
Carol : Well, in fact - - - - . I think it isn’t a sport, just an ugly fight.
I don’t think boxing is boring | |
I am crazy about boxing | |
I am fond of boxing | |
I can’t stand boxing |
Soru 5 |
Bob : Manchester defeated Juventus last week.
Bill : Really? - - - - ?
Bob : 1-0
Where was the match | |
What was the score | |
Did you watch the match | |
Did Sneijder play in the match |
Soru 6 |
Görseldeki kişinin seçeneklerden hangisine ihtiyacı vardır?
Snorkel | |
Racket | |
Trainers | |
Gloves |
Soru 7 |

Ezgi - - - -.
never has breakfast | |
rarely does her homework | |
always meets her friends | |
never tidies her room |
Soru 8 |

How often does she meet her friends?
She meets her friends on weekdays. | |
She meets her friends twice a week. | |
She meets her friends everyday. | |
She never meets her friends. |
Soru 9 |

Konuşma balonunda verilen bilgiye göre aşağıdaki seçeneklerden hangisi doğrudur?
They are playing tennis. | |
They can’t stand tennis. | |
They play tennis at the pool. | |
They never watch a tennis match. |
Soru 10 |
"10 - 11 - 12. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız."
Hi! I am Beyza. I always get up early on weekdays and have breakfast with my family. My lessons start at 8:00 everyday, so I leave home at 7:30. I always go to school on foot. After school, I have volleyball training every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. But last Friday, I injured my leg at school, so I couldn’t go training . I usually come home at 17:30. I always go jogging with my dog, Badem, in the evenings. After dinner, I sometimes go online or read books. I go to bed early every evening.
Everyday, after breakfast, she - - - -.
walks to school | |
has training | |
gets up early | |
goes online |
Soru 11 |
Hi! I am Beyza. I always get up early on weekdays and have breakfast with my family. My lessons start at 8:00 everyday, so I leave home at 7:30. I always go to school on foot. After school, I have volleyball training every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. But last Friday, I injured my leg at school, so I couldn’t go training . I usually come home at 17:30. I always go jogging with my dog, Badem, in the evenings. After dinner, I sometimes go online or read books. I go to bed early every evening.
“She reads books and goes online.” ifadesi hangi sorunun cevabıdır ?
When do the lessons start at school? | |
Why didn’t she go training last Friday? | |
How long does she read in the evenings? | |
What does she sometimes do in the evenings? |
Soru 12 |
Hi! I am Beyza. I always get up early on weekdays and have breakfast with my family. My lessons start at 8:00 everyday, so I leave home at 7:30. I always go to school on foot. After school, I have volleyball training every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. But last Friday, I injured my leg at school, so I couldn’t go training . I usually come home at 17:30. I always go jogging with my dog, Badem, in the evenings. After dinner, I sometimes go online or read books. I go to bed early every evening.
How often does she have training?
Every weekends. | |
Three times a week. | |
Every weekdays. | |
Once a week. |
Soru Seç |