7.Sınıf Wild Animals Testimiz
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Soru 1 |

Yukarıda verilen bilgiyi ifade eden görsel hangisidir?

A | |
B | |
C | |
D |
Soru 2 |
"2 - 5. sorularda boşluğa gelen uygun kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz."
Ann : Pandas are in danger.
Jane : Why?
Ann : - - - - .
They are wild animals | |
People destroy their habitat | |
People should protect animals | |
They are white and black in colour |
Soru 3 |
Mr Smith : Deforestation is a big problem.
Steve : - - - - ?
Mr Smith : Destroying forests is a problem.
Should we protect forests | |
Can we start a campaign | |
How can we plant trees | |
What do you mean |
Soru 4 |
Selin : Some animals are becoming extinct.
Paul : - - - - ?
Selin : We should protect them.
Where do you live | |
What should we do | |
How can we recycle objects | |
Why shouldn’t we cut down trees |
Soru 5 |
Emmy : How can we save energy at home, mom?
Mother : - - - - .
We should turn off the electrical devices | |
We should protect wild animals | |
We shouldn’t cut down trees | |
We shouldn’t pollute nature |
Soru 6 |
“Dodos lived in Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean, a long time ago. They became extinct because people hunted them and destroyed their nests.”
Yukarıda verilen bilgi içerisinde seçeneklerden hangisinin cevabı bulunmamaktadır?
Why did Dodos become extinct? | |
Where did Dodos live? | |
What were Dodos like? | |
Where is Mauritius? |
Soru 7 |

Yukarıda verilen tabloya göre seçeneklerden hangisi doğrudur?
We shouldn’t use objects again. | |
We should cut down trees. | |
We shouldn’t hunt animals. | |
We should waste energY |
Soru 8 |

Aşağıdaki seçeneklerden hangisi görseldeki kişi ile aynı şeyi söylemektedir?
A | |
B | |
C | |
D |
Soru 9 |
Sude : What is that in the tree?
Aslı : A birdhouse. - - - - .
Diyaloğu tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?
We built it last night | |
Birds have feather and wings | |
We should use public transport | |
People mustn’t use chemicals |
Soru 10 |
Sumatran tigers are wild animals. They live on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. They are smaller than other tigers. They have dark fur with thick stripes. They are carnivores and they are excellent swimmers. They are endagered because human beings hunt them for trade and they destroy their habitat for agriculture. There are about 50 Sumatran tigers on the island but people still hunt them illegally. So, we should do something right now. We should educate people and ban hunting.
What do Sumatran tigers look like?
We should educate people to protect them. | |
They are wild animals with dark fur and stripes. | |
They are becoming extinct in next 50 years. | |
People hunt them illegally and sell their fur. |
Soru 11 |
Aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi metne göre doğrudur?
Sumatran tigers are herbivores. | |
Sumatra is an Island in South Asia. | |
There are about 70 Sumatran tigers left nowadays. | |
Sumatran tigers live on an island in Indonesia. |
Soru 12 |
“ Yes, they do.” ifadesi metne göre hangi sorunun cevabıdır?
What do they eat? | |
Do they live in water? | |
Do they eat animals? | |
Why do people hunt them? |
Soru Seç |