7.Sınıf Wild Animals Testimiz
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Soru 1 |

Yukarıda verilen görsel için seçeneklerden hangisi söylenebilir?
We shouldn’t throw rubbish around. | |
We should make national parks. | |
We shouldn’t use chemicals. | |
We should protect animals. |
Soru 2 |
"2 - 6. sorularda boşluklara gelen uygun kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz."
Tony : - - - -?
Mary : I went to the zoo with my family.
Did you see the lions | |
Where were you yesterday | |
Do you like going to the zoo | |
What should we do to protect animals |
Soru 3 |
Susan : Don’t throw that can.
Jack : Why?
Susan : - - - -. For example, I always plant flowers in cans.
We should adopt animals | |
I love colourful flowers | |
I am crazy about coke | |
We should recycle |
Soru 4 |
they swim well | |
people hunt them | |
people protect nature | |
they are friendly mammals |
Soru 5 |
Mrs. Brown : The earth is getting warmer and we call it global warming.
Lisa : I’m sorry. Mrs. Brown. - - - -
Mrs. Brown : The earth’s tempeture is increasing and that is global warming.
I can’t stand pets. | |
What should we do? | |
I didn’t understand it. | |
Why is global warming increasing? |
Soru 6 |
Maria : Look! I planted these flowers two months ago.
Matt : They look nice. - - - -?
Maria : Every morning.
How often do you water them | |
Where can we buy flowers | |
Why did you plant flowers | |
When did you plant them |
Soru 7 |
"7 - 8 - 9. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız."
Polar bears are big animals with their thick white fur. They live in the Arctic Zone. Their fur protects them from cold weather. They eat seals, sea birds and fish. They are excellent swimmers. They live for 20 - 30 years. They are in danger because of hunting. Ice is also melting in the poles, so polar bears are losing their habitat. There are about 25.000 polar bears on earth. So we should do something to protect them. Firstly, we should stop hunting. Then we should do something to stop global warming such as using public transport, saving energy, planting new trees, recycling objects and etc.
According to the text, Polar bears - - - -.
are domestic animals | |
are carnivores | |
can’t swim well | |
should stop eating seals |
Soru 8 |
Polar bears are big animals with their thick white fur. They live in the Arctic Zone. Their fur protects them from cold weather. They eat seals, sea birds and fish. They are excellent swimmers. They live for 20 - 30 years. They are in danger because of hunting. Ice is also melting in the poles, so polar bears are losing their habitat. There are about 25.000 polar bears on earth. So we should do something to protect them. Firstly, we should stop hunting. Then we should do something to stop global warming such as using public transport, saving energy, planting new trees, recycling objects and etc.
How long do Polar bears live?
They live in the Arctic Zone. | |
They have an excellent fur. | |
They are quite good swimmers. | |
They live more than twenty years. |
Soru 9 |
Polar bears are big animals with their thick white fur. They live in the Arctic Zone. Their fur protects them from cold weather. They eat seals, sea birds and fish. They are excellent swimmers. They live for 20 - 30 years. They are in danger because of hunting. Ice is also melting in the poles, so polar bears are losing their habitat. There are about 25.000 polar bears on earth. So we should do something to protect them. Firstly, we should stop hunting. Then we should do something to stop global warming such as using public transport, saving energy, planting new trees, recycling objects and etc.
Because of - - - -, Polar bears are in danger.
public transport | |
sea bird and fish | |
global warming and hunting | |
cold weather in the north pole |
Soru 10 |
"10 - 11 - 12. soruları aşağıda verilen bilgiye göre cevaplayınız."
According to the table, which one is true?
We should buy pets. | |
We should waste water. | |
We shouldn’t stop hunting. | |
We should keep the environment clean. |
Soru 11 |
“ We should use buses and trains” ifadesine anlamca en yakın seçenek hangisidir?
We should use public transport. | |
We should recycle objects. | |
We should use filters. | |
We should protect animals. |
Soru 12 |
We should - - - - according to the table.
hunt animals | |
cut down trees | |
stop wasting energy | |
destroy wild animals |
Soru Seç |