Communication Testimiz
Testi Ba�ar�yla Tamamlad�n�z.
Toplam Soru Say�s�: %%TOTAL%%
Sizin Do�ru Say�n�z: %%SCORE%%
Ba�ar� Y�zdeniz: %%PERCENTAGE%%
��retmen G�r���: %%RATING%%
Soru 1 |
"1 - 4. sorularda bo�luklara gelen uygun kelime ya da ifadeyi i�aretleyiniz."
Mehtap: - - - - ?
Carol : I usually make a phone call or I speak face-to-face.
How do you usually keep in touch with your friends | |
How many friends do you have in social networks | |
Do you like sending an email to communicate | |
Do you prefer making a phone call to texting |
Soru 2 |
Candy : Hello, Candy is speaking.
Asl� : Hi Candy, it is Asl�, I want to speak with Brain.
Candy : I am afraid he left the office an hour ago. - - - -
Asl� : Could you tell him to contact me. He has my phone number.
You are his close friend, aren't you? | |
Would you like to leave a message? | |
Would you like to come? | |
You disturb me now. I am busy. |
Soru 3 |
If you send an e-mail, you are a - - - -.
caller | |
receiver | |
listener | |
sender |
Soru 4 |
Zuhal : Can I speak to Feyza, please?
Penny : - - - -
Zuhal : Zuhal Akta�.
Penny : Ok. I am putting you through now.
Could I ask who's calling, please? | |
Can you hold on a moment,please? | |
She isn't available right now. | |
She doesn't want to speak with you. |
Soru 5 |
"I am so happy and excited because we have a plan with my friends. We are going to watch Barcelona match in the stadium. Everything is ready."
Yukar�daki bilgiyi ifade eden se�enek hangisidir?
A | |
B | |
C | |
D |
Soru 6 |
Your friend invites you to a party but you won't join and want to make an excuse, you say : - - - -.
Yukar�da verilen duruma uygun ifadeyi i�aretleyiniz.
I don't like you and don't invite me again | |
I like parties, you know. I may join to the party | |
I have a plan more important than your party | |
I want to join but I have to finish my school project |
Soru 7 |
"7 - 8 - 9. sorularda bo�luklara gelen uygun ifadeyi i�aretleyeniz."
Juila : - - - -
Peter : No,I don't .Do you have any ideas?
Juila : Yes. Maybe we can go out and enjoy together.
Peter : I'd love to. I'll call you to determine the time.
Do you have any plans for tonight? | |
What about finishing the project? | |
Do you need any help for your homework? | |
Would you like to watch a film? |
Soru 8 |
Linda : - - - - ?
Kevin : No, I don't. I prefer making a phone call or sending a text message.
Do you usually send e-mails to your friends | |
What do you do in the evenings | |
Do you have a mobile phone | |
Would you like to buy a smart phone |
Soru 9 |
Peter : Hello, Peter is speaking. Can I speak to Serkan, please?
Dany : Hi, Peter. I am sorry. He isn't available now. - - - - ?
Peter : No, thanks .I'll call back later.
Would you like to leave a message | |
What about calling later | |
Pardon? Could you please repeat that | |
May I ask who is calling |
Soru 10 |
"10 - 11 - 12. sorular a�a��da verilen maile g�re cevaplan�z."

Roberto - - - - .
wants to see Eric | |
is very upset because of a problem | |
doesn't want to see Kate again | |
goes out on Fridays |
Soru 11 |
According to the e-mail, - - - - .
Kate was drinking tea with Eric | |
Roberto is the best friend of Eric | |
Martin sent an e-mail to Kate | |
Roberto invited Kate last Friday |
Soru 12 |
According to the e-mail, - - - - .
Roberto likes coffee too much | |
Kate doesn't speak with Roberto again | |
Kate didn't tell the truth | |
Eric is Roberto's best friend |
Soru Se� |