Cooking Testimiz
Testi Ba�ar�yla Tamamlad�n�z.
Toplam Soru Say�s�: %%TOTAL%%
Sizin Do�ru Say�n�z: %%SCORE%%
Ba�ar� Y�zdeniz: %%PERCENTAGE%%
��retmen G�r���: %%RATING%%
Soru 1 |

Yukar�daki g�rseli ifade eden se�enek hangisidir?
Pan | |
Mixing bowl | |
Rolling pin | |
Soucepan |
Soru 2 |

Bo�lu�u tamamlayan kelimeyi i�aretleyiniz.
I - - - - chocolate on my bread when I'm hungry.
dice | |
chop | |
cut | |
spread |
Soru 3 |
G�rseli ifade eden se�enek hangisidir?
Frying | |
Baking | |
Grilling | |
Boiling |
Soru 4 |
"4 - 9. sorularda bo�luklara gelen uygun kelime ya da ifadeyi i�aretleyiniz."
Emma : - - - -?
Mother : You can come with me to the kitchen and try something to cook.
Which is your best movie | |
I am bored, what can I do | |
Can I eat everything here | |
Which snack do you want to eat |
Soru 5 |
This cooking course is really - - - -. I hate cooking and I'm terrible at kitchen.
boring and I don't prefer going there | |
enjoyable and I prefer cooking there | |
bad and I have never tasted it | |
good and I like going there |
Soru 6 |
We don't buy any bread from the bakery because - - - - .
my mother makes our bread | |
we don't have enough flour | |
my father is abroad | |
bakery's bread is wonderful |
Soru 7 |
Dany : What do you want to be in the future?
Birsu : - - - - .
Dany : Ohh.Really? Why?
Birsu : Because I like everything about food and kitchen.
I want to be an architect | |
Being a painter is my dream | |
My aim is to become a chef | |
I have no idea now |
Soru 8 |
Alice : I'm bored. Let's do something.
Brain : OK, why not?
Alice : - - - -?
Brain : I don't like it. I am hungry. Let's go out and eat something.
What about watching a film | |
How about going out | |
Do you want to be cook | |
Do you eat in a restaurant |
Soru 9 |
Mary : How can I make a cake?
Lary : - - - -, crack two eggs into a bowl. I'm sorry but I need to go now.
Mary : Hey, wait a minute. I'll write the - - - -
First / menu | |
Next / ingredients | |
Next / song | |
First / recipe |
Soru 10 |
"10 - 11 - 12. sorular� a�a��da verilen metne g�re cevaplay�n�z."
Last week, we tried a new restaurant again. There were some special dishes. For instance, "Beshbarmak". It's a natural Turkmenistan dish and Turkmen people eat the dish with their hands. It was tasty and they put some onion sauce on it. My father liked it but my mom and my brother didn't like it much.
Beshbarmak is - - - - .
a kind of fish | |
a Turkmenistan dish | |
a delicious tomato sauce | |
a popular international meal |
Soru 11 |
According to the text, which is true?
Turkmen people eat Beshbarmak with spoon. | |
Furkan's family didn't like any Turkmen dish. | |
Beshbarmak is a natural dish with pepper souce. | |
One of the Turkmenistan dishes is Beshbarmak. |
Soru 12 |
Furkan's father - - - - .
liked beshbarmak | |
doesn't prefer any new dish | |
prefers being alone | |
didn't like onion sauce |
Soru Se� |