The internet Testimiz
Testi Ba�ar�yla Tamamlad�n�z.
Toplam Soru Say�s�: %%TOTAL%%
Sizin Do�ru Say�n�z: %%SCORE%%
Ba�ar� Y�zdeniz: %%PERCENTAGE%%
��retmen G�r���: %%RATING%%
Soru 1 |
"1 - 2 - 3. sorular� a�a��da verilen metne g�re cevaplay�n�z."
My brother, Steven is a computer expert. He uses the Internet for watching movies, doing homework, chatting with his friends, sending mails etc. He is good at fixing the Internet problems. When I need help, I ask him. My parents complain about it because they think he is an addict. He never cares about their thoughts. Everyday, he spends most of his time on the Internet.
According to the text, which one is true?
Steven always needs help. | |
His parents like Steven's habit. | |
Steven uses the Internet for many things. | |
Juliette uses the Net to do her homework. |
Soru 2 |
Steven - - - - .
spends his time playing with Juliette | |
never cares about his sister, Juliette | |
gets on well with his parents | |
is good at using computers |
Soru 3 |
Juliette's parents - - - - .
are pleased with Steven's habit | |
think that Steven is an addict | |
are happy with their son | |
often use the Internet |
Soru 4 |
-After school, I go home then take my tablet and play online games with my friends.
Yukar�daki par�ay� anlatan g�rsel a�a��dakilerden hangisidir?
A | |
B | |
C | |
D |
Soru 5 |
"5 - 12. sorularda bo�lu�a gelen uygun kelime ya da ifadeyi i�aretleyiniz"
- - - - is a computer file that you send together with an email message.
A search engine | |
A web browser | |
An attachment | |
An account |
Soru 6 |
Jack doesn't use any cables to connect to the Internet because he has a- - - - .
wireless modem | |
system unit | |
desktop | |
printer |
Soru 7 |
If you spend too much time on the Internet, you can be an Internet - - - - .
connection | |
social | |
addict | |
habit |
Soru 8 |
Jake : - - - - ?
�eyma : About 3 hours.
How many favourite TV programmes do you have | |
How many hours a day do you use the Internet | |
Do you have Internet access at your home | |
Do you like spending time with your |
Soru 9 |
Kaan : There is something wrong with my Net connection.
Kate : - - - - ?
Kaan : I don't know exactly but I can't see the connection sign on my screen.
When did you buy your Net | |
Who broke your computer | |
Where is your computer | |
What's the problem |
Soru 10 |
Brenda: Dad, I can't use the Internet. There is a message on the PC screen. It says - - - - . Can you help me?
Tommy: Sure.
low battery | |
five new calls | |
no new message | |
no connection to the Internet |
Soru 11 |
Emma : Hello, Nebi. How are things with you?
Nebi : Everything is OK, thanks. What about you?
Emma : I am trying to connect to the Internet on my tablet but I can't. - - - - ?
Nebi : Of course. I'll be there in ten minutes.
Who found the problem | |
Can you come and help me | |
Can you tell me your problem | |
Who can use the Internet best |
Soru 12 |
Bircan : - - - - ?
John : I do it everyday because of my job.
Do you have a tablet | |
Did you go over your project | |
How often do you check your emails | |
How did you learn to use computers that fast |
Soru Se� |